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Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The 8-Shaded Rainbow  -PArT sIx

I once dare asked Janelle as to what the real deal is.  Does she intend to embrace the relationship forever anyway?  Will she sugar coat everything and hold on till the very end as was expected?  Her firm “NO” didn’t surprise me all that much.  Boy, what’d she give up to break free?!  Shopping money?  Somewhere between her words and body language, cliché and I met once more – “Money can’t buy happiness.”    
I feel for her.  My mind wanders at the thought of how our fate could turn to be so ill-twisted and expensive to cost us our entire happiness.  And as if to put the joke on each of us, I came to realize that in one way or another, there lies a parallelism between our fate and our personal choices, so that when fate brings about sorrow, all it takes is our choice to either cave in to it or hold back and step out of misery.  Ergo, at the end of the day, the choice to be either happy or miserable is ours and ours alone.  

Alone but not lonely – that would be Rachel.  She is in her mid 30’s.  No boyfriend since birth (NBSB), never been in love, never have had sex.  We get along pretty well.  We seem to have affinity to lots of the same things – shopping, love for the family and endless driving around, be it just to snatch Mc Donald’s munchies or splurge into high-end perfumes.  And so of course, I wouldn’t dare and argue with her when she say she’s not lonely.  Yes, I wouldn’t argue, “NOT” out loud despite the deafening scream inside my head: “Tell that to the marines!”  I mean, come on already!  Everybody around you is shagging it! Screwing it and being screwed (forgive me for my loud words, please)...while you are left out on one corner thinking who knows what!  Of course you are lonely!  But for the sake of being shopping buddies, I will give you that.

I am not sure though, why that song by The Platters plays over and over in my ears... Ohhhhhhhh yes, I’m the great pr..... (Err...sorry, how does it go?  Oh, you know what, in moments like this, how I so regret not-being-so-musically-inclined! Grrr...)
              In all fairness to Rachel, her character or the character she shows is very admirable.  She is from a well-off family back in Manila.  She used to be a Bank Manager in the Philippines before she found herself in the company of rag mop, duster and wipe cloth here in Canada, her skinny built (thanks to the all-time-bland-food she is only allowed to eat because of an organ failure)stacking piles and piles of liquor cases.   To me, she’s like Barbie – but being the Princess and the Pauper at the same time-two extremely opposite lifestyles lived by one person.  Her claim to fame:  She can clean like a Pro now, like you wouldn’t think in the world she could.  And for that, I am sincerely proud of her.  I actually am in the state of serious looking out for a deserving bachelor out there so as to show Rachel what being “not-lonely” really means. 

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